Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Okay so here are my tips for playing Funkey Fighters(FF).

Z = punch
X = flip kick
C = head butts

arrow keys =
up = jump
down = protect yourself
left & right = move

at the bottom of screen you have "special" moves, you have to follow the sequence of arrows and letters that it shows you

You score more points by using the first "special" move that is listed at the bottom of your screen.
You will continue to rack up points if you hit your opponent while they are trying to protect themselves.
If you have trouble using the "special" moves, just continuously us the X key. This move is the easiest!

My scores are as follows........
Raj = 11,375......received trophy & tiger skin wallpaper
Bomble = 16,565......received trophy & ice walls wallpaper
Yang = 11,000......received trophy & large yang propaganda poster
Singe = 11,710......received trophy & singe flames

Now my scores were HIGH to say the least. I am figuring to just get the trophy, you won't need such high scores.


Zoomix said...

I am pretty sure a trophy is at 10,000 and nice scores, especially on bomble!! I found him to be the hardest, I think you get more points for just smacking them rather than using your special moves dont you? or am I wrong?

obsessedfunkey said...

you can get points faster by just smacking them around, but i found to get "more" points from one hit, the first "special" move scores the most.

Onewa80 said...

You beat my bomble score!
Good job. I found a normal singe and a very rare yang at my target!
