Friday, January 23, 2009

OH NO!!! DOT FAMILIAR MIA (missing in action) :(

What has happened to the Dot Familiar??????? It is no longer available in the trunk!!! Some are wondering if there were a limited supply of the familiars like there were on the real Dot funkey, others have replied "well maybe we will find the dot familiar on EBAY" (LOL--its just a joke)

But seriously, the Dot Familiar is currently NOT available in the trunk......We will have to keep watch and see if She is added back in.

Maybe they are doing some updates to the features the familiars give you and they decided to start with Dot. Lets keep our funkey fingers crossed xx

Note*****If you have already purchased the Dot Familiar, you will still have it and be able to use it. :)


Anonymous said...

Just got a chance to look at your site....VN

obsessedfunkey said...

I am glad you like it, and thanks for following.