Friday, February 6, 2009

Missing more familiars

With the addition of the lovestruck mood, we find again a familiar has gone missing. This time it is bones familiar. That takes us up to 3 missing familiars. To those of you that already have it, you didn't lose it. For those of you that didn't get it yet, well sorry, you can't get it at this time.

If you are into buying the familiars, be sure to log on everyday to check for new familiars, and buy them as quickly as possible. It seems they dissappear quicker than they appear.

Hopefully Mattel is aware of this and will soon fix it. I hope it doesn't continue this way.


Anonymous said...

They wont fix it because they do it on purpose. They do it so you'll buy it as quick as possible and start getting into a habit of buying them instantly when they come out. It's there evil plan!
-Funk on
P.S. It says the amount of loot you have on the last post. WOW YOU HAVE ALOT!

obsessedfunkey said...

Thanks for letting me know about my loot. I fixed it. I try not to show it, just out of respect for those who cannot afford it, or their parents won't get it for them.