Thursday, February 5, 2009

UB FUNKEYS Series 5 Offically named "PARADOX GREEN"

Announced today on

"The "official" name for Series Five will indeed be what has been assumed by
many. Others have wondered if it would maybe be "Game Factory" or something else
entirely, but Funk-E has confirmed it. Paradox Green it is... :)"

Although no release date has been mentioned, this does give us a little insight as to what we can expect for the UB Funkeys.

Click on the link to read all of Augie's story and see more of the propaganda posters.


Onewa80 said...

I think it was around august...


obsessedfunkey said...

August????? I can't wait that long :(

Onewa80 said...

I know!
But that's when all the new toys come out... the beginning of the new year and around September\August.
